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「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその48 「The Healing Mind」 Dr. Irving Oyle イメージ化の効果

「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその48 The Healing Mind」 Dr. Irving Oyle イメージ化の効果



 この本の中に例証されている Carl Simonton M.D.Cancer PatientsのひとりはB-52 Navigatorで喉が悪性腫瘍できわめて悪化している状態であった。それは桃のサイズになって、肺と胃への入り口を閉じていた。そして、拡散していた。もう、死ぬことは間違いないということで、患者はあたらしいテクニックを採用することに同意した。

 He was taught to enter the alpha state by means of complete body relaxation. In this state, he visualized his white blood cells in the form of cowboys on horseback. The defenders were then seen attacking and destroying the cancer cells. The procedure was repeated three times daily for 15 minutes. Over a period of seven weeks the tumor receded in size and finally disappeared, leaving a normal throat mucosa. At the end of this time, he was taken back to the operating room, where biopsy specimens revealed only normal tissue. 


 In September of 1973, Dr. Simonton reported success in 128 cases using the combination of X-ray and visual imagery. The degree of success was proportional to the cooperative effort of the patient. Dr. Simonton’s position as a director of the prestigious American Cancer Society gives additional credence to his claims. 

 1973年9月、Dr. SimontonX線と“イメージを描く”という両方をつかって成功した128の実例を紹介した。成功するかどうかは患者の協力の姿勢に比例していた。Dr. Simontonは高名なAmerican Cancer SocietyDirectorであったので、彼のこのクレームにも重みがあった。


 Dr. Simontonが回復したケースから見つけたのは、患者の態度の違いであった、…病気と生命に対する基本的な態度―生きようとする意欲が決定的な要因であることを。

 The following Monday I started the process with my first patient. In addition to the medical treatment, I explained what my thinking was, I told him, through mutual imagery, we were going to attempt to affect his disease. He was a 61-year-old gentleman with very extensive throat cancer. He had lost a great deal of weight, could barely swallow his own saliva, and could eat no food. After explaining his disease, his treatment, and the way his body was interacting with the treatment and the disease, so that he could better understand his disease and cooperate with what was going on. The results were truly amazing… That patient is now a year and half post-treatment, with no evidence of cancer in his throat. He also had arthritis, and he used the same basic mental process and eliminated that.



 Her name is Sarah and she is interested in working in the field of parapsychology. For the past nine months she has been living on money she accumulated working as a cocktail waitress at Tahoe.

 “I own a house, and this guy I’m living with makes the payments; I have no trouble finding work, I get any regular job I ever applu for.” (It is easy to see why.) She is 33, has been to college, and was told nine months ago that she had cancer of the cervix.

 “When I refused to let him cut it out, this surgeon told me that I had an unnatural attachment to my uterus.” She quit her job and gave ful time to her meditation in which she pictured a normal healthy, beautiful uterus.” “The cancer disappeared. When I went back to the doctor and told him how I did it, he said I was crazy.”






 私は拙著「寺子屋的教育志向の中から」の中の“癌と人生”というエッセイで、Lawrence LeShan Ph.D.の「You can fight for your life」という本の内容を紹介しながら、いかに癌と闘うかを、そして若いころからの生き方の選択の重要性を、自分の教えていた生徒たちには紹介したが(1984年ごろ)、そのエッセイを載せた私の本の出版は2011年9月で、そのときでは、すでにたくさんの友人・知人が癌で亡くなっていた。

今、この「The Healing Mind」に書かれた方法を読みながら、もしかして、致命的であった彼らの癌も、こういうPositiveな、宇宙のハーモニーに同化する形で、癌細胞を退治する療法を適応していれば、助かったのではなかったかという残念な気持ちが湧いてくるのをどうすることもできない。今からでも、癌で悩んでいる人たちの参考になれば、それでいいとしなければならない。 
村田茂太郎 2013年1月1日、2日

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