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「心霊現象の科学」をめぐって-その59 S. Ralph Harlow 「A Life after Death」(1961年)ーその5 Experience of Dying “死”をめぐってーその1

「心霊現象の科学」をめぐって-その59  S. Ralph Harlow 「A Life after Death」(1961年)ーその5  Experience of Dying “死”をめぐってーその1


 それをある程度、納得する形で教えてくれるのがPsychic Scienceであり、臨死体験とかMediumshipが提示するところである。臨死体験は、いわば入口までを示すだけで、なんといっても、Mediumの働きが、その解明に大きな寄与を与えているということは、すでに紹介したBarbanellその他の記述で明らかであったと思う。

 このDr. Harlowの本は、その点に関しても明らかに1961年の時点でおおいに貢献していると言える。

 Dr. Ralph Harlowはまだ学生で、アルバイトで本のセールスをしていたときに、こういう体験をした。家庭訪問で、本は買ってくれなかったが、若い女性が、うちあけた話を聞かせてくれた。彼が神学部の学生だと知ったから、人生の混乱・不幸を話す気になったのであろう。最近、彼女は3歳になる娘を亡くしたばかりで、ようやく悲しみから調整できるようになったばかりであった。

 ”I know she is all right now; I know I’ll see her in heaven. But I don’t want to see my little girl as a grown woman. I want to see her as she was when I saw her last.” I could not comfort her then but I think I could now. Psychical research has helped.


 Some years after this incident, while I was attending a séance, I contacted a woman who had died in her eighties and who had also lost a little girl of three. And she, too, when she had been in this life, had worried that she might not know her little daughter when her own time came to pass on.


 “But when I came here to what you call heaven,” she said, “I found my little girl and she was unchanged. She was still three years old and she was even wearing the little blue dress that I had made for her.”


 The little girl ran to her mother and jumped into her arms and cried, “Mother!” in the voice her mother had known more than half a century before when they had both been on this earth.


 Then the mother pushed her little daughter away from her and looked her in the eyes and said, “But, child, you’ve been here for fifty years or more, you can’t remain the same!”


 The child replied, “No, Mother, but I knew you’d remember me this way and would want to see me this way. Here we can be seen as we wish to be seen.” And later this child was seen by her mother in other stages of normal growth.


 ここで、わたしは途中まで読んできて、例のRosemary Brownの話の中に出てくるHusbandの今は亡き最初の妻が17歳ほどの子供をつれてRosemaryの前に現れたとき(サイキックでないHusbandには見えなかったが)、Rosemaryの話すのを聞いて、Husbandは自分たちには子供は生まれなかった、流産したから、といったところ、この子はその流産した子供です、霊界で無事育って、こんなに大きくなったのですと最初の妻がRosemary(Husband)に言ったという話を思い出し、3歳の子がそのままというのは、Rosemaryの話と違うじゃないのと思ったが、そのあとの続きを読んで、なるほど、これはすばらしいと思った。確かに、子供を亡くした親は、“子供”を覚えているわけで、亡くした子供が大きく成長していたのでは感が狂うであろう。うまくしたものだと思う。


 私は、母から、私が生まれた後、もう一度妊娠したが、流産したとかという話を聞いたことがあるように思う。もし、Rosemaryの話が本当なら、私は自分が死んだら妹と初めて会えることになるかもしれない。妹か弟かわからないが、わたしはいつも妹を欲しいと思っていたから、もしかしてそうだったのかもと思う。これは、このPsychic Scienceの勉強のおかげで、死んだときの楽しみができたというところである。

 Near death experience 臨死体験が真面目な研究対象になり、本がたくさん出回り始めたのは1970年代になって、特に1960年代後半からのElizabeth Kubra RossDying関係の本が出始め、1973年ごろからRaymond Moodyの本がでて、この二人の影響で飛躍的に臨死体験が有名になり、Near-death-experienceLife after LifeLife before Life、そしてReincarnationなどの本が急速にでまわったわけであるが、この1961年に発表されたDr. Harlowの本「A Life after Death」を読むと、すでに、まともな臨死体験と、臨死体験者では生き返ったから、そのあとがどうなったのかわからないわけであるが、Mediumから学んだ内容によると、臨死体験のあと、本当に死んで、それからどうなったがわかるわけである。私がMediumの研究が臨死体験よりも大事だと思ったのが正しかったとわかる。臨死体験だけの段階では、ともかく、死んでいないのだから、それは脳内体験に過ぎないという仮説はいつまでも残るのである。(立花隆「臨死体験」)。ところが、臨死体験とおなじことを体験して結局死んでしまった、その報告をMedium経由で霊界から報告するということになると、もし、このSpiritのある程度の信憑性が高まっていれば、より確実にAfter Deathがどうなのかを教えてくれるわけである。Medium Margery CrandonSpirit Guide、死んだ兄のWalterが、地上の人間では考えもできないようなことをいとも簡単にやり遂げ、同じ個性を保持して霊界で活躍しているということを証明することによってSurvival を地上の人間にわからせようとした話はすでに報告した。つまり、Survivalがあれば、このMedium経由で語る臨死体験とそのあとの報告も信憑性があるわけである。

 “What is death? And what is heaven? - have been with us in some form or other ever since there has been mankind. The answers are not so sharp and clear as we would like, but nearly eighty years of conservative research into the paranormal have given us some hints, some glimpses, some fleeting flashes of the future, some surprises, and a great deal of comfort.


 The literature on these two subjects repeatedly records irritation on the part of those who have passed on when we use the words “dead” and “heaven.” “We are not dead.” They say. “We are more alive than you are; we have simply passed along, or progressed, to another stage.” They are more tolerant regarding the word “heaven” but they say, “You have an incorrect concept of it, and we can explain it only partially, but the word itself gives a wrong impression.”


 What happens at death? What do we really experience when we die? All of us will learn this for ourselves one day, through personal experience, but few of us are content to wait for this eventual knowledge. We want to know beforehand, we are impatient, and many of us filled with fear.

 死ぬときに何が起きるのか?われわれが死ぬときに本当にどういうことを体験するのか? れわれすべてのものが、このことについては、ある日自身で体験することになる。しかし、そういうことで、満足できるのはほんのわずかな人だけで、われわれは事前にどうしても知りたい。われわれはせっかちであり、多くのものは恐れを抱いている。

But apparently there is no need for fear.


 When death comes painlessly or suddenly, as it so often does, the surviving personality (or the astral body, if we accept this phrase), now free of the flesh, is not at first aware of the transition. This is reported again and again by those who have gone through the change. They are confused and puzzled over much that has happened. A soldier killed in combat by a shell explosion, will attempt to help his comrades carry in his own shattered body. A woman suddenly finds herself standing by her bed and walks downstairs and wonders why her loved ones do not seem to see her.

 よく起こるように、死が苦痛もなく、或いは突然に訪れる場合は生き残ったPersonality(あるいは、Astral BodyということばをつかってもよければAstral Body)は肉体を離れて、当初は移行したこと(死んだこと)に自分で気が付いていないことが多い。これは、移行をした人から(つまり死んだ人から)何度も何度も報告されれている(つまり、Mediumなどを通して)ことである。彼らは大概、わけがわからなく、何が起きたのかわかっていない。戦いで、破裂断の爆発で殺された兵士が、自分の破砕された身体で、同僚を運ぶ手伝いをしようとする。女性が突然、自分がベッド際に立っているのを見つけ、階下に降りて、愛する人たちがどうして自分に気が付かないのかと不思議に思う。

 On the other hand there are deaths that are painful and prolonged, calling for fortitude and patience. When a person has endured much suffering or a long illness the transition seems to be of another character. In such cases there is evidently a period of rest, even of deep sleep, in which the person is not aware of survival or existence. The awakening in the other world comes gradually, where the newborn spirit finds himself lying on the bank of a brook surrounded by green fields and flowers.


 Generally a friendly spirit is nearby, waiting to introduce the new spirit into the heavenly country. And as in sudden death the new spirit is often not aware that a transition-death-has taken place. Memories of the final hours come back and the astral self dreads a return to the painful life in his physical body. And now spirit guide, perhaps a relative or loved one who has preceded the newborn spirit, will give assurance and confidence. This type of experience has been recorded in many messages.

 一般的に、親しみ深いSpiritが近くにいて、天国を新しいSpiritに紹介しようと待っている。そして、突然死んだケースのように、新しいSpiritは移行=死が起こったことに気づいていない。地上での最後の時間の記憶がよみがえって、苦痛に富んでいた肉体にもどることをAstralな精神はおそれる。そして、新しいSpirit ガイド(それは、先に移行していた肉親や愛する人たちだが)が、保証と確信を与える。この種の体験もたくさん報告されている。

 One message from a departed person, and recorded by a close friend of mine, says death “is more a passing through an inanimate barrier than the breaking of a stretched cord. When normal, death is a pleasant experience. Passing through shock is more difficult and takes longer recuperation.”


 Take the death of Louise Andrews, for example. She had been a very close friend of Marguerite and Howard Walter’s … and it was the Walters to whom she came after her own painful death. It was while the Walters were living in India that Louise contacted them. One evening while sitting quietly at home Marguerite Walter felt a sudden urge to write; she felt a force guiding her right arm and she could not control it. Her fingers picked up a pencil and her husband handed her a sheet of paper. At first her hand made large circles on the paper and then it began to write the words “Mary wants to write.” This sentence was repeated several times before words began to flow in orderly sequence. “Mary”-a spirit purporting to be a girl recently emancipated from her earthly body and still confused in her new environment-was only the first of several visiting intelligences from the other side who wrote hundreds of pages of automatic writing through Marguerite Walter.

 ルイーズ・アンドルーズの場合をみてみよう。彼女はマルグリットとハワード Walterの親しい友達であった。ルイーズが苦しかった死の床をおえて、Waltersにコンタクトしてきた。Walters夫妻がインドに居たときのことである。ある晩、家で静かに過ごしていると、突然、マルグリットは何か書きたくなった、彼女は何かが彼女の右手を動かして、彼女自身がコントロールのきかない状態にあった。彼女の指は鉛筆をピックアップし、夫が紙を提供した。最初は紙におおきな円を書くだけであったが、そのうち、Mary Wants to write. と書いた。何度か、同じことを書いた後、まともな文章が流れ出した。Maryは最近、地上の肉体から解放された(つまり死んだ)若い女の子のSpiritで、まだ新しい環境になじんでいない感じであった。それは、その後、何百ページも自動筆記でマルグリット Walterが書くことになるたくさんの知的なSpiritの最初の現れであった。

 Then one day Louise Andrews, their old and dear friend, began to come through. I learned from Louise’s father that she had died of cancer of the throat, but this was after I heard from Marguerite and Howard Walter what Louise had reported about her death.

 それから、ある日、ルイーズ・アンドルーズ、彼らの古くからの親愛な友達が、やってきた。私(Dr. Harlow)はルイーズの父親からルイーズは喉頭がんで亡くなったときいた。しかし、それは、マルグリットとハワードWalterから彼女が自分の死について語ったのを聞いた後のことであった。(つまり、Waltersはルイーズの死後のSpiritから、直接、自分の死ぬ場面をきいていたのである。)

 “My last memory of death,” she wrote through Marguerite Walter’s hand, “was lying in bed with my family around me. Some of them were weeping. The pain in my throat was worse-much worse-and I could not get air. I could not breathe. Then suddenly the pain was gone and I was lying on the bank of a beautiful brook beneath a huge tree that cast its shade over me.


 “Standing near me and watching me was a man dressed in white. I had never seen him before but I immediately felt his friendship and his calmness and his goodness. He asked me if I felt strong enough to take a walk. I did not know, for I had just awakened. But I noticed immediately that I could breathe without pain. And I rose and walked toward him, and found that I could walk, but I wondered about the body I was then in, for although it was very real it seemed so different from the body of the flesh.


 “I began to fear this was a dream, for if it was I know I would walk into a world of pain again, and I did not want any more pain. Then I remembered my last earthly memory and my mother beside my bed weeping, and I looked at my guide with some sort of new understanding. I was struck by the beauty of the countryside, and I saw a group of persons strolling through the field, singing as they walked.


 “I asked my companion, `Is this heaven?` and he replied, “that is what some call it, my dear,` And then I knew.”


 Many persons who have been critically ill and who have been very near death have reported similar experiences of being detached from their physical bodies and being able to observe events outside the sickroom through some strange and unexplainable extension of their senses. A woman during severe sickness found she could leave her physical body and could walk downstairs. She strolled through the rooms, somewhat confused but without pain, until she heard a voice commanding her to return to her physical body. She told me, “It took great effort to return, but I did.”


 And once when my sister Anna was extremely ill in a crowded hotel in Athens she “saw another country with a high wall and a gate, and I could see through the gate into a beautiful land, and I knew this was the other world. I wanted to go very much but I heard a voice say, `Don’t go, if you do you cannot return, and you are needed where you are. `She, too, told me it was very difficult to resist the urge to pass through. And later when she was ill in a hospital she saw a beam of light leading up to a beautiful country, and she knew she could ascend to the peace and tranquility of the other world. But simultaneously she saw her husband kneeling beside his bed at home, praying for her, and again she resisted.


――― ――― ――― ―――

 まだ、つづきます。Dr. Harlowが語っているのは、いわゆる1970年代に有名になった臨死体験をして生き返った人と臨死体験をして死んでしまった人のMediumAutomatic Writingでの本当の死の体験談を死んだ本人が語っているという大事な状況説明です。この本が出版されたのは1961年であるということを知っていなければなりません。Elizabeth Kubler-RossRaymond Moodyなどよりも、はるかに早い時期にあたります。


その1 終了。 その2につづく。

村田茂太郎 2013年1月22日、25日


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