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SFV Bonsai Club  2022年3月27日 第4日曜日 Report on Regular monthly meeting 月例会 報告

  SFV Bonsai Club  2022年3月27日 第4日曜日 Report on Regular monthly meeting月例会 報告

   I got a call from one of our Bonsai Club female members on Friday March25. She said she was Corona Positive. She has various teaching jobs (including UCLA instructor job) and she thinks she was careful and no infection up to Wednesday and suddenly she was positive. She believes she got infection from 3 year child she was teaching at that time. Anyway we are here in USA, not in Russia or China. Our expected meeting is 2 days later - Sunday 27. Information must be open and joining the meeting will be decision made by each member. She said her parents were negative and on Saturday, after Virus check again, she would call me. And she called and their parents were Negative again. So, we decided that we open this March meeting as was expected and decision to attend or not must be individually chosen. This is open, outside, backyard meeting. If we wear Masks, it should be OK. And she said she would be stay inside the house. And male young staff, very helpful and active was not on Vaccines, and he had to stay away from this meeting.

   So, I reported this situation to every Bonsai members on Saturday. I know our Master teacher is sick and new member with daycare kid will stay at home. And our Chief has family matter to take care. We expected members coming to this meeting will be small. And true, it was smallest meeting. Just total 6 members.

   And weather was cold in the morning but with sun up, it became very nice, beautiful day. And I truly enjoyed this day's meeting. Usually I was busy taking pictures but today with only 6 members, I had time for my Bonsai in addition to taking pictures. But of course, my 2 Bonsai plants were mainly taken care of by other skillful Bonsai teachers as usual. I just watered everyday without any trimming at home for several years. So, it was bushy. But after masterful treatment, these 2 Bonsai plants became true Bonsai. 

   One of 6 members was new young male engineer. He became acquainted with our President at Glendale Japanese garden related events. He was eager to learn and paid membership fee in cash and also purchased one pot. Our masterful teacher showed him important basic techniques and it looks like he was happy to learn from basic. We were also happy with him joining this precious, historic Bonsai Club.

   So, only 6 embers today, but we were busy and enjoyed this day's meeting. As usual, Mrs prepared nice dish and Japanese pickles. With enough Donuts, it was truly enjoyable meeting. 

   Before other staff arrives, I had a chance to talk about UCLA Medical - Advance Healthcare Directive with president. This Bonsai Club meeting gives us enough time to discuss various matter and it is good for our health and I enjoyed talking to some others. (Advance Healthcare Directive is to decide what to do when patient is at a risk of losing life - live with machine or die naturally etc. And this Directive must be approved by 2 other persons with Notarization.) 

   Anyway this was how we spent on March meeting. I missed many members who could not attend with any reasons. But next April meeting will be much better, I hope.

Shigetaro Murata reporting on March 29, 2022

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村田茂太郎 Shigetaro Murata 03/29/2022