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「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその38 「死後の生活」Our lives after death Barbanell

「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその38 Mediumship をめぐって--- Maurice Barbanell “This is Spiritualism”を読む 第2章 Our lives after death (Page 18-23


 Dr. Raymond Moodyの本は「Life After Life」と題され、また別の人 Dr. Helen Wambachは「Life Before Life」、「Reliving Pastlives」という本を書き、ソウかと思うと、Dr. Joel Whittonは「Life Between Life」という本を書いています。ほかにDr. Fioreは「You have been here before」。

 Moodyの本はどちらかというと「臨死体験」の話、「Life Before Life」とか「Past Lives Therapy」(Dr. Morris Netherton)とかは、Reincarnation転生で前世のLifeについて、それを思い出すと、現在自分が抱えている病気や問題が、うまく解決する場合が多いという症例研究。「Life Between Life」は、Reincarnationを前提として、次に生まれ変わるまでの状況についてのPast life hypnosisからの症例研究。Lifeに関して、BeforeBetweenAfterと、すべての状態をHypnosis, Medium-ship, Near-Death-Experienceから引き出しているわけです。

 この「Life Between Life」はまさに、生まれる前の世界で、自分を生む母親にあたる人が大きいお腹をして苦しんでいるのを空の上から眺めているというケースがあります。こうなると、白紙の状態でBabyがうまれるのではなく、意識を持った人間として、うまれるということで、Dr. Ian Stevensonの「Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation」に書かれた前世の記憶を持って生まれた子どもの話が成立する理由がわかるような話です。この「Life Between Life」によると、Paulaという女性に、彼女の前世の1822年生まれのMartha Paineから、さらにその前の1700年代の女性Margaret Campbell という女性へもどるつもりの催眠術をかけるときに“Go to the life before you were Martha…”と指示したら、”I'm in the sky…I can see a farmhouse and a barn…”・・・“What are you doing up in the sky?” ”I am ...born.  I'm watching …watching what my mother does.”….  “What is your name?” I …have …no …name.”という具合に予期しない返事がかえってきて、生まれる前のOut-of-Bodyといえる状態にいることがわかって、Life-between-Life の世界がわかりだしたという次第です。Dr. は”Go to the incarnation before you were Martha”と指示していれば、Margaret Campbellの世界に入ったわけですが、間違って“Life before you were Martha”という指示をだしたため、CampbellからMarthaにうまれかわる前の、まさに母親が出産間近という世界にいったというお話。

 そして、このBetweenの世界は、まさに「Tibetan book of the Dead」(チベットの死者の書)にあたるわけで、Bardoとよばれる宙ぶらりんの世界をどううまく体験して次に転生するかというのと共通の話題になります。Dr. Helen Wambachの「Life Before Life」には、同じように、そして更に詳しく、SoulFetus母体の中の胎児に入る前後の様子が、やはりPast life therapy-Hypnosisで記述されています。みな、意識化されていて、まさにSoul, Spiritが肉体とは別個に存在することを証明するような証言です。もし、事実であれば。

 そこで、今回はBarbanellの1959年に出版された本「This is Spiritualism」にあらわされたOur lives after Death「死後の世界」を紹介します。

Through mediumship I have received communications describing what life is like in the world beyond the graves. The accounts have come from people who dwell there and who describe their first-hand experiences. There are limits to what they can tell us because of their inability to transmit complete pictures of an existence which is superphysical and is superior to earthly dimensions and limitations….


Nevertheless from these spirit communications we obtain glimpses of the kind of life that we shall experience when our turn comes to say farewell to earth. Indeed, apart from mediumship, no detailed description of the after-life has been presented. … 

それにもかかわらず、これらのSpiritsとの会話から、私達が地上の世界を去って別の次元に移るときにどのような生活が待っているかの一瞥をあたえてくれるものがある。実際、このMediumとの交流がなかったら、死後の世界がどのようなものか、詳しいことはわからなかったであろう。(ムラタ補注:この本は1959年に出版された。1970年代に入って、Life after Life やPast life therapyLife Between Lifeなどの臨死体験やPast life hypnosisによる別な次元の瞥見がなされるようになった。それがMediumの語るものと同じかどうかはまた別であるが、すでに千年以上も前に「チベットの死者の書」などで、After life で Before LifeLimboの状態が死者へのガイドとして、探究、考察されていた。)

One day after death you will be precisely the same individual as you were the day before, except that you will have discarded your physical body. You do not have to die to become spiritual being. You are a spiritual being today. Death comes when the real you withdraws itself and functions through your spirit body. 


Life in the spirit world is not hazy, unsubstantial or nebulous, but full of activity. There are ample opportunities and occupations for everybody. It is both foolish and erroneous to imagine that when we pass from this life we sleep forever, or until such time as there will be a resurrection. Death is resurrection. … 


There may be, after death, for many people a period of rest and recuperation to enable them to adjust themselves to the new life. The sad fact is that most individuals are so ignorant of spiritual verities that it is a tremendous shock to them to find they have survived the grave. In a minority of cases it may take the equivalent of hundreds of years for individuals to awaken after their passing. These are the earthbound ones so often responsible for hauntings, whose spiritual natures seldom functioned because of their selfish or greedy lives. 


Though death has freed them from their physical bodies, their lack of evolution still chains them to earth, even though they are in a spirit world. … 


It does not take long, however, for the average person with his mixture of homely virtues and trivial “vices” to adjust himself. … 


The overwhelming majority of mankind has nothing to fear from death. Usually, on awakening, the newcomer is greeted by loved ones who have preceded him. Families are reunited, friendships renewed and old associations re-established. Recognition presents no problem. Those who love us in the larger life have constantly watched over us and usually help when it comes to our passing. Because in the spirit world thought is a reality, they are able to show themselves as we knew them. …


One great factor that operates is the immutable law of attraction. Only those of like spiritual qualities can dwell the same plane in this new life. A husband and wife, who were joined only by a legal tie, between whom no love existed and who were mentally divorced from one another, will not be together in the spirit world. … 


Unlike our world, there are no language problems in the after-life, for nationality does not persist. Thought is the only language, and telepathy the means of communication. Deception, pretense, cheating and lying are impossible. There are no secrets. Every individual is known for what he is, mentally and spiritually.

われわれ地上の生活と違って、死後の世界は言葉の問題は起きないし、国の違いも意味をなさない。Thought考え だけが言葉であり、テレパシーが交信手段である。ごまかしやみせかけ、だまし、うそなどは不可能である。秘密というものは無いのだ。誰も精神的にあるいは霊的に、あるがままで存在することになる。

There is no age in the physical sense, but a growth towards spiritual maturity. … 


There are no poor and rich in the Beyond, except poverty and richness of spirit. Spirit life is one of continuous progress in which every individual gradually eliminates the dross from his nature in his striving towards perfection. There is no heaven or hell in the theological sense. These, however, are real mental states which we have created by the way we have lived our lives. 


After death, to put it simply, the saint and the miser do not dwell on the same plane. Spiritually, each is what he has made himself to be, by his actions, words and thoughts.


There are both compensation and retribution, because the natural law of cause and effect are perfect in their operation. There is no Great Judge on a white throne, separating the sheep from the goats, for we have “judges” ourselves in the spiritual nature we have attained by the character we have formed. That is our spiritual passport. Our character, for which each normal individual is responsible, is moulded by our earthly lives. 


The overwhelming majority will not find anything to disappoint them beyond the grave. Indeed, there will be much to give them cause of rejoicing. Their worst enemy is the ignorance which makes them unprepared for the life that follows death. 


Heaven will be reward of a life wisely spent on earth. This will enable individuals automatically to be with those they truly love, provided that there is a similarity of spiritual status, and with friends having a common mental affinity and affection. Hell will be a self-inflicted punishment for a selfish life which compels the individual to dwell with those of a like nature to himself. 


One of the greatest temporary sorrows in the spirit world is the vast number of people who cannot make themselves knows to loved ones left behind who are mourning them. This, as I have realized many times, is a pathetic spectacle, as they make desperate efforts to communicate through strangers to reach these grief-stricken ones. In time, taught by wise teachers, they adjust themselves. Some of them labour to destroy earthly ignorance which created a barrier between the two states of existence.  


As they become accustomed to their new life, they fit themselves into their proper place and learn to use their talents. 


Some of the spirit world’s denizens are engaged on tasks which entail conscious or unconscious co-operation with people on earth. In the arts they seek to inspire all who are receptive. Scientist, inventors and pioneers are constantly at work attempting often successfully, to inspire like minds in our world. 


ということです。BarbanellMediumが演じる世界をなんども見聞して、After Deathの世界がこのようなものらしいと考えたわけです。

その後、1960年代後半からJane Robertsの“Seth Speaks”などのような、いわば地上の人間を霊的に教育しようとするケースがあり、Sethという仮名の人物がTrance Medium である Jane Robertsの口から、あの世、または別な次元についての形而上学的考察を展開し、この口述によって一冊の本を書き上げるというようなケースまで生まれるにいたりました。

SethReincarnationを論じたり、別の次元を展開したりと、ものすごく議論好きなSpiritぶりを発揮していました。Jane Roberts が50代で亡くなり、その後どうなったのか。

いまはともかく、催眠術で過去にさかのぼるといっても、ただ単に自分の幼年時代にさかのぼるだけでなく、前世や生まれる前の状態などに入るというかたちの展開が多くなり、転生も一度や二度でなく、7回も8回も、あるいは多い場合は歴史小説家Taylor Caldwellのように30回以上とかというケースが知られています。Joan Grantも彼女の信じる自分の過去の体験を沢山の歴史小説にあらわしました。


ここで大事なことは、もしかして、死のあとは無ではないかもしれない、その時、その後の対応方法をある程度知っていなければ、Sandra Gibsonのおばあさんが、自分が死んだことも知らないで薄明の中をヘルプと叫んでさすらっていたというようなことにならないとも限らず、Barbanellも場合によってはそういう状態から目覚めるのに何百年もかかることがあるといっているので、チベットの死者の書ではないけれど、死に対する準備をしておくことも大事かもしれません。

Demi MoorePatrick Swayzeの映画“Ghost”〔1990年〕は、Whoopi GoldbergStreet Mediumとして熱演で〔アカデミー賞受賞〕おもしろい映画でした。殺されたPatrickGhostとしてDemiにコンタクトしようとして出来ないため、もどかしい思いをするところなど、よくHauntingの世界をあらわせていたと思います。まさに、Barbanellのつたえる一つの場面にあたります。

村田茂太郎 2012年12月9日、10日

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