「心霊現象の科学」をめぐって-その60 S. Ralph Harlow「A Life after Death」(1961年)ーその5 Experience of Dying “死”をめぐってーその2
似たような臨死体験で、体外離脱をして、本人が見たこと(情景など)をほかの人が確認できたケースとして、つぎの例があげられている。1979年に出版された「Death Encounters」という本によると、この臨死体験は第2の分類に属すると言える。つまり、検証可能な体外離脱体験。体外離脱して、自分のベッドの身体を上から見ていたというだけでは、ほかのひとが検証できないので、主観的段階、臨死体験第1の分類というようなわけかたが、このDeath Encountersではなされている。いずれ、このブログで -多分、その64 で紹介する予定。ここにあげる例も、特に1970年以降たくさん報告されているが、このDr. Harlowの本が出たのは1961年である。
One case is most fascinating, involving a medical doctor with a strongly
skeptical and practical turn of mind. ひとつのケースが特に魅力的である、それは懐疑的であり、また実務的でもある医者がからんだものである。
Critically ill and given up by his colleagues, the doctor was dying in
the hospital bed. “Suddenly,” he told me, “I found myself outside my physical
body. I cannot explain it in any other words.” He observed his nurse leaning
against the wall of the room sobbing, and he watched attendants pull a sheet up
over his physical body lying on the bed. He left the room then and strolled
down the hall. He saw a wheeled stretcher pushed into Room 30 and returns with
a patient. He entered Room 31 and watched a nurse help a patient out of bed.
Then he heard a voice
say, “You are not yet ready to come over. You must go back to your body.” But
he protested, for he did not want to go back. And the voice said, ”But you
must. Your work on earth is not yet finished.” With great difficulty he got
back into his physical body, and some time later regained consciousness.
His doctor and nurse were astonished. His colleague said, “By all tests
you died, and now you are here again.”
“Perhaps so,” my friend replied weakly, “but I must know some things.” He
called the nurse and asked her to take careful notes on what he was to say. He
told her what he had observed in the hall and in Room 31, and he asked her to
check if these events had indeed happened as he had seen them. Naturally his
nurse suspected delirium, for she knew he could not have observed what he had
reported. She herself was unaware of what had happened outside the room, for
she had remained there with her patient. But to humor him she granted his
request and found that his report checked in every detail.
“多分、そういうことだ。”私(Dr. Harlow)の友人は弱弱しくこたえた。“しかし、ちょっと知りたいことがある。”彼は看護婦を呼び、これから自分の言うことを注意深く書き取ってくれと頼んだ。彼はホールで自分が見たこと、31番の部屋のことなどを話し、これらの出来事が自分が見た通りに実際に発生したのかどうか調べてくれといった。当然のことながら、看護婦は彼は妄想におちいっていたのだと疑った。というのは、彼が今報告したことを観察できたはずがないということをよく知っていたからで、彼女自身、彼と同じ部屋に居て、外の部屋で起きていることなど全然、気が付かなったくらいなのだから。でも、からかってやるいい機会だとばかり、彼の要求を認めて、調べてみたら、すべてが彼の言ったとおりであった。
In most respects the people who have passed beyond are not much different
mentally from the way they were here, and often they are doing the same kind of
work and are concerned with the same things they were concerned with in this
Apparently we go over the border as persons-our personalities are
unchanged; we go as selfish and unselfish as we really are; we go as the noble
or the evil characters that we are; and we go as the admixture of evil and
noble, of good and bad that we really are.
Heaven seems to be not a new life but an extension of life as we know it
here; it seems to be a continuation of our lives here, except that there are no
material things as we know them. The “Things” of heaven are there, and they are
the same as we know them here, but they are made-if this word can be used in
its earthly sense-only by the mind. It is the sort of thing that happens when a
newly arrived spirit sees an older spirit in the form that the old-timer thinks
the newcomer wishes to see. This is not a materialization as we see it in séances
and in demonstrations of what is called ectoplasm; it is the sort of
materialization we all have experienced in dreams when we have seen our friends
as they were ten years ago.
Again and again we receive messages such as this one recorded by a
friend: “It is a good thing I was not looking for gold streets and wings! I
have work to do here, and when it is done I can visit with you on earth. The change
from earth means that the horizon is broadened, it continues developing but
always vital and interesting. Someday you will learn that there is plenty of
time. Live one day now; take tomorrow’s troubles tomorrow.”
Shortly after her death my sister Anna, communicating with us by Ouija
Board, told us of her activities in the other world. She was, she said, in
charge of a home for children who had died as infants. With a staff of other
young women as helpers she was teaching them and training them in a beautiful
building surrounded by gardens. “I have every facility for helping these
children gain in wisdom,” she said. “Some of them are getting far better care
and opportunity than they would have if they had remained longer on earth.
Distraught parents need not grieve; their children are happy.”
私(Dr. Harlow)の妹Annaが死んでから、Ouija Boardをとおして、Annaがコンタクトしてきた。そして、別の世界での彼女の活動について報告した。彼女は、幼児の間に死んでしまった子供たちのための家をとり仕切っていて、ほかに若い女性たちがヘルパーとして居て、彼女は庭で囲まれた美しい建物の中で教えたり、指導したりしていると言った。“私はこれらの子供たちが知恵をつけるように援助するあらゆる施設を利用できる。あるものたちはもし彼らが地上に居残っていたとしても受けられるよりはるかにすばらしい機会に恵まれている。子供が死んで、とりみだした親たちは、悲しまなくてよい、彼らの子供たちは幸せである。”と。
Another message, which I sincerely hope is accurate, said that no work of
art is lost over there. In the libraries and museums and institutes are stored
everything that has lifted man’s spirits nearer God and flooded him with a
sense of beauty and wonder. The great masterpieces of all time are there-Plato’s
Phaedo, St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, Bach’s chorals, Handel’s
oratorios, Rembrandt’s art, Rodin’s sculptures. The result is, the message
said, that countless multitudes who on earth were denied the joy of
contemplating such beauty are given the fullest opportunity over there to
appreciate these works of genius.
And we are told of great liberality there, both in little things, and in
matters we consider very important here on earth.
Other reports indicate that married couples are not bound by legal,
matrimonial, or sexual relationships that started here on earth. Relationships
there are dependent on mutual spiritual understanding and harmony. Husbands and
wives who shared mutual love here continue to share it over there. But those
who do not have spiritual experiences in common can go their own ways and are
not required to live together. Couples whose spirits are utterly out of tune
may part and find new companions, even though they were married on earth in St.
Peter’s or in the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. Surely this message seems in
accordance with the loving spirit of Jesus.
In m file is the verbatim question-and-answer record of one session that
should give much comfort to millions here on earth. It concerned a man named
Everett who before his death had been blind from early childhood and in his
later years was pitifully crippled with rheumatism in both hands and feet. This
answer came in response to a question about him; “Everett is happy, filled with
the beauty around him and not missing a jot. His hands are whole, his legs are
whole, his eyes are whole, his heart will be whole when I tell him his son is
listening. Over here we are full of joy for every chance to carry happy news.
We all rejoice when one uses an established line of connection with loved ones.”
私のファイルの中のあるメッセージは、地上の何百万の人々に、慰めをあたえるものと思う。それは、質疑応答という形で展開されたものである。Everettエヴェレット という男の話である。彼は、死ぬ以前は、子供の頃から盲目で、後年にはリューマチのせいで、両手と両足が不自由であった。彼に対する質問への返事としてかえってきたものである。「Everettはハッピーだ。彼は美しいもので囲まれ、なにひとつ不足していない、彼の手も足も目も完全で、わたしが彼に息子が聞いていると伝えれば、こころも完全であるだろう。ここでは、機会があるごとにハッピーなニュースを伝えられるということで、われわれは喜びに満ちている。われわれ、みんなは愛する人たちと使い慣れたラインで連絡しあえるということで喜んでいる。」
How do people who have not known each other here come to know each other
Likeness in mentality and spirituality draws people together here or
Everett sends a message. He says, “I do not have to miss any of the
beauty here. No one would dread to come if they could half guess what it is
like. California will have to take a back seat; it is hard to describe.”
(ムラタ注、なぜ、ここでCaliforniaがでてきたのか、会話は主にNew York, Eastのはずである。CaliforniaのBeauty自然美はアメリカ人は誰でもうらやむくらいによく知られていたということか。)
村田茂太郎 2013年1月24日、26日
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