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「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその37 Mediumship をめぐって- イエス・キリストと12使徒をめぐるBarbanellの考察の紹介

「心霊現象の科学」をめぐってーその37 Mediumship をめぐって--- Maurice Barbanell “This is Spiritualism”を読む(つづき)第15章 Spirit Signature から  (page 121-123)  新約聖書 イエス・キリストと12使徒をめぐるBarbanellの考察の紹介

 (その36) でMaurice Barbanellが参加したSéanceで、Materialization=物、人間らしきものがSéanceのルームに現れるのを目撃したBarbanellは、サー・ヴィンセント(Sir Vincent Caillard)の具体的な、実体のあるSpirit像に接して、彼のバイブル・新約聖書に対する理解力を深めたという話が、つぎにでてきます。




 今回も、ほとんど、このMaurice Barbanellの「This is Spiritualism」からの引用となります。これは抜粋ではなく、ほとんど関係部分全文の引用となります。(Page121-123)。内容が興味深いことと、この本はAmazonで調べると、古本でしか手に入らず、Used Bookで59ドルとなっていますから、一般には大きな図書館にでも行かねば、見つからないでしょう。この部分は新約聖書の謎のひとつが解明されたような、興味深い考察となっています。

Had I not seen materialization in the séance room I doubt whether I would have accepted some of the “miracles” recorded in the Bible. Many modern clergymen reject these biblical accounts of post-mortem appearance because they contend they conflict with scientific knowledge. It is strange that Spiritualism, which arouses antagonism of those with very orthodox religious views, should provide the evidence that makes Bible “miracles” feasible because they are duplicated today in the séance room.

私がSéance roomでのMaterilizationを目撃していなかったら、バイブルに記された幾つかのミラクルを本当にあったものとして受け入れたとは思えない。多くの現代の牧師は聖書にある、キリストがその死後にたち現れたという話を信じない。なぜなら、それは現代の科学の知識と矛盾するからと主張する。大変オーソドックスな宗教的な見方に敵対するとみられるSpiritualismが、聖書がミラクルとみなすものが、実は可能だという証拠を提出する、なぜなら、それらはSéanceの部屋で再現可能なのだから、というのも不思議なものである。

What is extraordinary is the fact that, although the Bible was translated by men who doubtless had no knowledge of undoubtedly psychic phenomena are in line with modern mediumistic happenings. Moreover, these Bible accounts comply with the conditions required by psychic laws as we see them operate today.


Dr. Barnes, when he was Bishop of Birmingham, incurred the displeasure of clerical colleagues because he rejected the post-mortem appearances of Jesus and said they were myths. If he had witnessed, as I have done, a repetition of the phenomena which occurred in the Upper Room, he would have realized neither miracle nor myths was involved.

バーンズ博士は、Birminghamの僧正であったとき、同僚達を不快なめにあわせた、なぜなら、彼はキリストの死後の現出を拒否し、あれは神話だといったからである。もし彼が、私がやったように、聖書に言うUpper Roomで起きた現象と同じことが再生されるのだということを目撃していたら、それはミラクルでも神話でもないことを悟ったであろう。

Jesus, according to the account, appeared in what was virtually a duplicate of his earthly body, one so solid that the skeptical Thomas was asked to handle it. In similar fashion, I and others have handled the materialized bodies of people who had been dead for years.


If the story of Jesus ended with the crucifixion, it is doubtful whether anything more would have been heard of Christianity. Looking coldly at the Bible narrative, it is incontrovertible whether that the crucifixion represents Christianity discredited, its leading figure scorned and hanging between two thieves. One disciple had betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Another proved to be a traitor, while all the rest fled in the hour of trial.


It was evidence, not faith, proof or hope that transformed the disciples into apostles with zeal to spread the new gospel. The evidence consisted in seeing that their leader had not perished with death. He had survived and, from the after-life, gave proof of his continuing presence. That is the meaning of the séance in the Upper Room. It was similar psychic evidence that turned Saul, the persecutor, into Paul, the great propagandist. That is the meaning of what happened to Saul on the way to Damascus.

弟子達を最初の使徒としてあたらしい信仰をひろげるように変えたのは信頼でもなく、希望でもなく、証拠であったのだ。彼らの指導者が死とともに消えてなくなったのではないということを見たという証拠があったからだ。彼は生き返り、死後の世界から、今も生きているという証明を行ったからだ。それが、Upper RoomでのSéanceの意味なのだ。同じようなサイキックな証拠が迫害者Saulを偉大な布教者パウロにかえたのだ。それが、ダマスカスへの道の途中でSaulに起きたことの意味である。

A knowledge of Spiritualism is the answer to many Bible riddles. Why did Jesus choose these twelve men to be his disciples? It was not for their calling, their education, their social accomplishments, or even their characters. My contention is that they were mediums, selected for their psychic talents, who constituted what spiritualists would call the perfect circle. It is as true today as it was then that psychic gifts are not necessarily accompanied by spiritual, mental or cultural attainments. 


Pete, John and James were what we would call physical mediums. Judged by the Bible narrative, their physical mediumship, was not dependent upon Jesus but functioned even after his death. When psychic phenomena of a physical character were to be demonstrated, Peter, John and James were always asked to accompany Jesus. The superb example is the séance on the Mount of Transfiguration, where the pure air and stillness were ideal conditions for psychic manifestations.


Incidentally, nowhere in my reading of the New Testament do I find any accounts of psychic phenomena that are not in harmony with their present- day presentation. There are, for example, no daylight materializations because, just as we have found today, while light is deleterious to the production of these phenomena. They always occurred at night or at dusk.


Let us examine this séance on the mountain, as described in St Luke’s Gospel. As Jesus prayed, we read, “his countenance was altered and his raiment was white and glistening.” Transfiguration is not uncommon psychic phenomenon. I have frequently seen a medium’s face become transfigured, by the ectoplasm built over it, until the features of a deceased person are clearly recognizable. And the “white and glistening raiment” is a perfect description of ectoplasmic robing.


Peter, John and James were “heavy with sleep”, or as Spiritualists would say, they were in trance. They awoke to find Jesus was communicating with Moses and Elias, who, of course, had been dead for many years. Then Peter suggested that they should build three tabernacles, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elias. The word “tabernacle” could easily be translated as “cabinet”. Peter doubtless had in mind the possibility of other materialization séances being held on the mountain.


This séance provides the perfect answer to those who assert that psychic phenomena are condemned in the Bible. In support of their belief they usually quote texts said to have been uttered by Moses. If these texts are, as they suggested, condemnations of psychic phenomena, then Moses defied his own prohibitions when he materialized, with Eliias , to Jesus.


St. John’s Gospel records that the first time Jesus materialized after his death, “when it was yet dark”, Mary Magdalene, who knew him well, mistook him for the gardener. Such an error is incomprehensible without the psychic key. How could so striking and commanding a figure like Jesus be mistaken for a gardener? The explanation is simple.


The gardener must have supplied the mediumship necessary for this first materialization of Jesus. And because it was an initial appearance, the gardener’s impress and personality were stamped on the materialization-a not uncommon occurrence at séance today. It is not until Jesus calls her by name that Mary recognizes who the figure is. Then she rushes to greet him, but is met with the injunction, “ Touch me not”. A similar cry is heard in the séance room when a spirit form has materizalised for the first time, simply because the power is not strong enough to stand handling.

ガーデナーははじめてのイエスのMaterialization現出に必要なMediumshipを提供したに違いない。そして、はじめての出現であったため、ガーデナーの特徴と個性がMaterializationの過程で刻印されてあらわれたのだ。これは今日のSéanceでもよく起きることである。イエスがマリアに呼びかけるまで、彼女には見分けがつかなかった。そしてはじめて気がついて、挨拶をしようと駆けたが、イエスにストップをかけられた。「触るな!」。同じような叫びは、Séanceの部屋で、Spirit Formがはじめて現出しようとするときに叫ばれる。理由は簡単で、Powerがまだ強力でなく、触られることにたえられないからだ。

Later, in contrast, when Jesus appears in the presence of his twelve disciples, whose combination of psychic talents provides almost perfect power, not only is he clearly identifiable, but Thomas is invited to touch him so that his skepticism may be ended.


The moral I am trying to draws is the simple one that Christianity owes its existence to psychic phenomena that are similar to present-day séance-room happenings. Whenever I have gone to materialization séance, I have found myself comparing demonstrations I witnessed with those described in the New Testament. I, like others, see in these phenomena a reason for accepting the Bible “miracles” which have caused thousands to turn their backs on supernatural religion. Thus the séance becomes a bridge where science and religion can meet, proving that science can be religious and religion scientific.


*** *** ***

I have had many striking demonstrations of the power of the spirit, as the Bible calls it, with mediums in Britain and America when I have attended materialization séance.


ということで、Maurice Barbanellは、聖書に書かれた、一見、信じられないような様々な現象は、サイキックな人たちが現在でも日常的に現出できることであり、それらはミラクルでも神話でもなく、イエス・キリストと使徒達はMediumの素質を持ったPsychicであったから、起きたのだというのである。

そういえば、イエスが、いろいろと自分の将来を予知する(つかまって、死刑になるとか、生き返るとかと)のも、彼自身がすぐれたサイキックだったから、わかったのである。これは、Edgar CayceIrene Hughes, Eileen Garrett, Rosemary BrownなどのすぐれたPsychicの話を読むと、彼らがかなり正確に予知する能力を保持していたことがわかり、イエスの場合もそういうことであったのかと、よく納得できるのである。


映画Star Trek IV Voyage Homeでメンバーの一人、医者のDeForest Kellyが、Time Travelでやってきたサンフランシスコの20世紀の病院で“なんと野蛮なPrimitiveな状態か”というところがある。そういうことである。まだまだ科学・医学は発展途上にあり、200年300年後、(Star Trekの時代)には、手術をしなくても病気を治せるようなことになっているかもしれない。科学者の持つべき態度は、今の状態を過信しないで、不思議は不思議、今の科学で解明できないだけで、もっと進歩すれば、わかるようになるだろうと、謙虚な態度をもって事実を受け入れることである。思えば、超能力者があらわれたとき、そんなことはありえないと、嘘を暴くことに時間をかけて、なぜそういうことがありうるのかという謙虚な科学者の態度で現象の解明の努力をしない人が多かったが、今は、もうすこしまじめに、本当に科学者らしい態度でもって研究に取り組むべき時であろう。

村田茂太郎 2012年12月7日、8日


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